Teaching is a delicate artwork-making sure our knowledge is transferred to the student or the opposite person with at most love and clarity

VOLUNTEER TEACHER TRAINING (VTT) is arranged by the VHP Australia for VHP Sanskrit School and Hindu Dharma scripture Teacher the objective of the training mainly being “Teaching – a process unfolding facts with love, care and clarity”, keeping the demand of change and diversion of the individual and the community such that culture is sustained and the essence of the same is not lost.

Discussions of different ways and vitality of maintaining the interest of the children learning something that is not a major part in their regular school syllabus. How to teach without losing the children’s concentration, attention and how to trigger the inquisitive ness of the children in the subject. Also, some activities like group discussion, Plays, stories and games for making the teachers understand and adapt some ideas are worked out together so that the child discovers the love for the subject, also to show how similar is Teaching and parenting.